Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Evaluation of term 1:

It was very difficult starting grade ten as the amount of work was incredibly more than that of grade nine. Also, the work approach to English was not the traditional style of work that I was used to. It was a challenge, it was different, but all and all it was a good experience.

Evaluation of term 2:

Having the experience of term 1 as practice it was less difficult than it was in term 1. I became accustomed to the work, and the way of working. However, with the exams there was a high level of stress, considering that there was studying to do and work to complete. Thankfully, I was able to get through that. Now, I know what is facing me for the rest of the year and I’m able to cope, to have fun and to enjoy the remainder of the year. I will always give my work my all.

Evaluation of the audio assignment:

The audio assignment was very unusual, yet also a whole lot of fun and still being a challenge. I appreciate the opportunity to use all these different types of technology and being introduced to it all. It also gave me a chance to interact with my parents and ask them for help, since I’m very stubborn in that regard. When assessing peers work, it was great to hear them talk in ways I haven’t heard them talk before.

Evaluation of the trip to Sharpeville:

Unfortunately, I was unable to join in this much anticipated trip, due to a funeral in the family. However, from what I gather it was the trip of a lifetime. I have seen all the photos and it looks like I have missed out. I think that after this trip one becomes more appreciative of the small thing one has every day. Like fresh, clean, hot water or electricity, after seeing people who don’t, and live like that on a day to day basis. One realises how ungrateful we are to these luxuries. It makes one feel that one should do things to make the lives of these people better.

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